The legislation is Senate Bill 6, introduced by Sen. Mike Wilson. The bill appears to turn the tables on DEI and its tenets by prohibiting discrimination at public universities and campuses if a student or professor refuses to “endorse a specific ideology, or political viewpoint, to be eligible for hiring, contract renewal, tenure, promotion, or graduation.”
Trump will be keynote speaker for black conservative groupChad Groening, A black political leader says it is true “black lives matter,” which is why he is a conservative and plans to vote for Donald Trump on Election Day. Diante Johnson is founder and CEO of the Black Conservative Foundation. He tells AFN conservative principles are the best way, and the only way, to “repair” the black community and restore it to its fullest potential. ![]() “I support President Trump for the same reason,” he says. “I believe that what President Trump did, he was a true champion for black conservatism and America, but he was a true champion for just Americans." During the 2016 election, exit polls showed Trump gained black votes in record numbers which meant many blacks abandoned the Democratic Party. Johnson predicts Trump will get even more votes in November, as much as 20%, because black voters have been hurt by the Biden economy and are tired of the Democratic Party’s “broke promises” that have failed to help the black community. Trump is scheduled to be the keynote speaker at a Feb. 23 honors gala hosted by the Black Conservative Foundation. The theme is “Restoring the American Dream."
DEI, or Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, has been embraced by the Far Left like a new secular religion that preaches “inclusion” but, in practice, cannot tolerate opposing beliefs because of its core tenets about race, racism, inequality, and white people.

According to The College Fix, which first reported on the Kentucky bill, the bill would target the University of Kentucky where its DEI website states it is advancing “inclusive excellence” at the school, which is the state’s largest with approximately 32,700 students.
The UK’s website about DEI includes “resources” for reporting “racial trauma” and for help with disabilities. It also includes a “Bias Incident Reporting” form, used to report on a student or professor, which is sent to the Office of Institutional Equity and Equal Opportunity.
The university’s DEI program is overseen by the Office for Institutional Diversity, which states it has five programs on campus such as the Center for Graduate and Professional Diversity Initiative and the Martin Luther King Center. Another one of the programs is Inclusive Excellence and Diversity Education, or IEDE, which states it the “centralized educational unit” for promoting DEI at the university. The website for the IEDE states the school is located on land that once belonged to Native American tribes of the Osage, Shawnee, Cherokee, Adena, and Hopewell.
DEI requires 'commitment of entire community'
The “DEI Leadership Team” at the University of Kentucky includes 21 faculty members, staff members, and students. That "team" appears to be separate from 26 faculty members who are described as “Project Leads” for promoting DEI on the university campus.
In a one-minute introduction about UK’s DEI initiative, university President Eli Capilouto (pictured at right) says the school requires the “sustained commitment of an entire community” to address what he calls “anti-racism and anti-discrimination work," referring to DEI.
“If we want to be a truly equitable and just university,” the UK president states, “our actions must bring life to our words.”
David Walls, executive director of Kentucky-based Family Foundation, tells AFN the conservative group supports the Senate bill. That is because everywhere DEI principles are introduced, he argues, they make people less tolerant of a student or a co-worker’s differing beliefs and ideas.

“So we ultimately believe that,” he says, “for the good of education, for the good of our First Amendment protections – free speech and association – and really to be good stewards of our tax dollars, these type of programs should be ended."
Sen. Wilson, the bill’s author, told The College Fix a DEI policy creates a “political litmus test” in which must show allegiance to a set of beliefs, which are liberal in nature.
That is why critics compare DEI to a Chinese "struggle session. That was the practice under Chairman Mao in which dissenters were called "counter-revolutionaries" and were subjected to threats and humiliation, and a bullet, if they refused to give in.
Wilson also said state law currently protects K-12 faculty from being discriminated in hiring and promotions due to their political and/or religious beliefs.
“The same protections need to be extended to our public university employees and students, helping to end compelled speech on campus,” he said.