Belmont University acknowledges its Baptist heritage, but in 2007 the school cut ties with the denomination to become an "independent, ecumenical Christian university with no denominational ties." Yet, last week it canceled a Promise Keepers gathering on campus, citing a "conflict of values." The men's ministry had just put out a clear, firm, biblical statement on the dangers of gender ideology:
"As fathers, husbands, grandfathers, and young men – we see the dangers of gender ideology and the harm it causes. At Promise Keepers, we affirm that God made human beings in His image to reflect Him. He created male and female with equal worth and dignity – and there was no mistake in that design."
According to The Washington Stand, after the university dropped the event Promise Keepers leader Ken Harrison "reached out to Belmont leadership" seeking a "conversation about the influence of social norms and popular culture on the values of Christian Institutions." The organization noted it had not yet received a response.
Dr. Alex McFarland of Truth for a New Generation tells AFN the university is making its priorities very clear. "It doesn't surprise me that Belmont would cave because they fear man more than they fear God," he states. "They may have the applause of the Alphabet Mafia, but they will answer to God."

McFarland urges Promise Keepers to push the issue. "I just hope Ken Harrison and Promise Keepers sues Belmont and disgraces them because they deserve to be disgraced," says the Christian educator and lecturer.
And no, that wouldn't be two Christian entities taking each other on in a worldly court because, McFarland explains, Belmont would no longer qualify.
According to the Christian apologist, many so-called "Christian" colleges are going the same way. "They go woke, they engage in campus 'pride' activities," he offers. "Southern Methodist [University] in Dallas and other schools [for example] celebrate that which almighty God condemns."
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McFarland suggests parents need to exercise the same caution when sending their children to a Christian college as they do a secular one: start discipling them early. "Biblical worldview training, the gospel, apologetics, worldview and critical thinking skills need to be taught to children from toddlerhood up," he argues.
AFN reached out to Belmont but received no response.