LifeSiteNews reports that the pro-homosexual Human Rights Campaign provided lessons to the Madison Metropolitan School District. The "Welcoming Schools" training program falls under the umbrella of MMSD's "Health and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Lessons," which feature "read-alouds" and "classroom discussions" and conclude with a "rainbow day."
Julaine Appling, president of the Wisconsin Family Council, tells AFN it is pure indoctrination.
"I don't know if it went to pre-K or not, but I know it started at kindergarten," she details.
The district did inform parents about a week ahead of time, but following the event, parents started contacting school officials with complaints. So now the district is checking to make sure everything was done legally.
"Under our human growth and development law here in Wisconsin, you do have the right as a parent to opt your child out of the entire program or any portion of the program you want to," Appling notes.

Madison Metropolitan is the same school district currently under fire for multiple pro-LGBT scandals, including a so-called "family-friendly" drag show that was postponed because of public outcry. It is also facing a lawsuit over its policy of hiding from parents information about their children struggling with gender dysphoria.
Meanwhile, two sets of parents have sued another district in the state over the issue of parental rights.
By contrast, three Wisconsin school boards (Muskego-Norway, Waukesha, and Arrowhead) voted last month to require parental consent before school staff may affirm and indulge confused students' preferred "gender identity."