"This Book is Gay" is one of several books with graphic, sexually explicit content found in public schools, prompting outrage from parents. But in an email shared by popular account Libs of TikTok, Booker T. Washington Middle School Principal Elana Elster both confirms that the novel is in the library and declares that it will remain there so children can explore "new and different" ideas and "expand their horizons."
Janice Crouse says Elster is simply disregarding parental complaints.

"The teachers think that they are the ones that have the authority to say what kids should learn and not the parents," Crouse observes. "Parents should have control of what their kids learn and should be the ones to say what is taught in the schools."
According to Fox News, Principal Elster's email initially appears sympathetic to the concerned parent:
"As a parent, you have every right to monitor what your child is reading," she writes. "Parents have very different opinions on what is appropriate for their children. Tell your child that you want to read certain books first to see if they are in keeping with your family values."
But she goes on to accuse the parent of sheltering his/her children before concluding, "We do have 'This Book is Gay' in our library catalogue, and we have no plans to remove it."
"It's X-rated material," asserts Crouse. "It's about as graphic as you can get, and yet parents are made to feel that they are somehow in the wrong by wanting their child to stay innocent of such things."
Fox News relays that the novel discusses orgies, kinks and sex apps, and it includes detailed information on how homosexuals can be sexually involved.