Republican Congressman Rep. Ronny Jackson (Texas) has introduced a bill that would block taxpayer money from going toward funding teachers' unions, which is certain to earn the ire of union leaders and Democrats. Jackson says he proposed the No Federal Funding for Teachers' Unions Act because "corrupt teachers' unions" managed to close down the nation's schools during the pandemic.
The unions, he argues, "sold out" public school students by lining the pockets of Democratic politicians with campaign contributions to keep students out of the classroom, and by requiring masks be worn "despite clear evidence [those] decisions were harmful" to students' educational and developmental growth.
"[And] just when we thought corrupt teachers' unions could not get worse, they pressed the Biden administration to investigate parents who voice disagreement with their decisions as domestic terrorists," the medical doctor and retired Navy admiral adds in a press release.
Virginia Allen is a senior news producer and podcast host for The Daily Signal. She contends the time when teachers' unions cared about students is no more.

"There may have been a point in time when teachers' unions really were serving teachers [and] really were serving students. That time is long gone," she states.
Allen laments America is feeling the dire consequences of the lockdowns and will do so for decades. But she believes Dr. Jackson's bill, which was introduced in Congress in November, would be a step in the right direction.
"So much of the bucks stop with teachers' unions and they need to be held accountable by our lawmakers saying that taxpayer funding shouldn't go to these teachers' unions," she tells AFN. "It's one step toward holding them accountable."
Jackson also complains unions have "pushed a radical and inappropriate curriculum which seeks to indoctrinate our students with a woke, racist, and anti-American worldview."