Deroy Murdock of Project 21 says in August 2021, the school quietly removed the bust without warning or explanation after an alleged complaint or "concern" was voiced. But now, Elaine Westbrooks, the Carl A. Kroch university librarian, has announced that the figure will be reinstated as "a valuable item in the Cornell Library's vast permanent collection."

"A lot of the alumni expressed their anger and rage and confusion about this," Murdock details. "To Cornell's credit, they listened to their alumni, and they decided to put the statue back in place."
He actually thinks Cornell should have left the display, which featured the Lincoln bust and the Gettysburg Address, in place. Removing statues, he says, does not change the past.
"People can make their own judgments as to whether these people are interesting sinners or abominable monsters," Murdock submits. "You can make that judgment once you get a balanced presentation of what their lives involved."
The College Fix notes the sculpture was purchased and donated by Ezra Cornell, the university's founder.