A report that 1,830 campuses are not requiring the SAT or ACT this fall comes from the National Center for Fair and Open Testing, also known as FairTest. The group advocates for dropping standardized testing on the claim it discriminates against women and minorities.
According to a related Campus Reform story, the executive director of FairTest told the education watchdog that admissions offices that have dropped the SAT and ACT have received “more applicants, better academically qualified applicants, and more diverse pools of applicants."
The reference to “diverse pools” is the giveaway, since today’s college students know “diversity” is, at the very least, a campus buzzword. On some campuses, "diversity" is like a religious liturgy that is studied, defended, and enforced, and unbelievers are not welcomed.

avid Randall of the National Association of Scholars predicts many more colleges and universities will follow that pattern within a year, which he says will harm both the learning environment and the students allowed to show up unprepared. That is because the standardized tests are a challenging but fair prediction for how an incoming freshman will perform. A person’s sex or ethnicity is not a factor for the tests, he insists.
"More terrible are the deliberate inequities, which are being put in place (to) meet various quotas,” he warns, “for which getting rid of the standardized tests is a deliberate precursor to imposing the deliberate discrimination."