Kim Reynolds of Iowa is the first governor in the nation to sign an "Education Freedom Pledge" to support policies promoting parental rights in education.
The pledge comes on the heels of Glenn Youngkin (R) defeating anti-school choice candidate Terry McAuliffe (D) in Virginia's race for governor last month.

Walter Blanks, Jr., press secretary of the American Federation for Children, says this pledge, sponsored by his group, will have an impact.
"The K-12 landscape as a whole, it will be a deciding factor in a lot of races coming up," Blanks asserts. "Just being very candid, parents are tired and frustrated with the current system as it is."
Blanks says the pledge is a way of holding lawmakers' "feet to the fire" when it comes to what parents want for their children's education.
"Distant bureaucrats who make these rules and then break them for their own kids and their own families need to be held accountable when it comes to this," he insists.
Hundreds of voters and more than 100 lawmakers have already signed the pledge.