Last year the Democratic governor vetoed the proposed curriculum because of the anti-Semitic content. But this year, after revisions were made, AB 101 was approved by the state legislature.

Naya Lekht, director of education for Club Z, a network of educated and articulate activists with a commitment to Zionism who advocate for Israel, says school districts can utilize the earlier version or the extreme Liberated Ethnic Studies Model if they choose.
"It doesn't say which type of curriculum a teacher is to use," she reports. "The problem is that a teacher that is already overwhelmed with enormous class sizes has at his or her fingertips ethnics study model curriculum that is abhorrent, that is dangerous, that is anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist."
Lekht says the original authors withdrew their names from the original content and developed the nefarious Liberated Ethnic Studies Model, which some schools are already using.
"I work with high school students who are in a classroom already, some of which are ethnic studies classes [that are] electives, and they've been telling me really egregious examples of anti-Semitism," the Club Z spokeswoman reports.
According to the AMCHA Initiative, which is a non-profit organization dedicated to investigating, documenting, educating about, and combating anti-Semitism at institutions of higher education in America, more than 3,000 Californians have signed a petition and even the liberal LA Times was urging Gov. Newsom to veto AB 101.