Public backlash closes abortion group's booth at 'Guts' world tour

Public backlash closes abortion group's booth at 'Guts' world tour

Public backlash closes abortion group's booth at 'Guts' world tour

After pop music star Olivia Rodrigo partnered with an abortion group to promote premarital sex at her concerts, she has since learned many moms and dads are paying attention and don’t approve.

Rodrigo, 21, a former Disney star, has created a huge fan base that is turning out for her “Guts" world tour that runs from February through August.

Lydia Taylor, of Students for Life, tells AFN a portion of those ticket sales are benefiting the National Network of Abortion Funds. That group helps women pay for abortions.  

“But no one was expecting her to hand out Plan B [emergency contraceptives] like candy,” Taylor says, “encouraging young women and even kids to have sex.”

And then came the backlash. According to media reports, the public learned from a March 12 concert in St. Louis, Missouri the abortion group is passing out the morning-after pill, condoms, and lubricants to her fans.

In an appearance on Fox and Friends, country music star Rae Lynn criticized her pop counterpart for giving away those items when young fans are attending the concerts.

“I think the crazy thing about this whole story is her demographics are very young,” Lynn said. “To have adult items at a concert, where you're supposed to be celebrating music, I think it's just very inappropriate.”

A story in Variety, the left-wing magazine, says the pop star’s representatives listened to the public backlash about young children in attendance and stopped distributing the sex-related items at future concerts.

Now that they are blocked from access to young people, there has now been backlash against that backlash from abortion groups. 

“The reality is that youth have sex, and youth need access to birth control and emergency contraception,” a spokesperson for DC Abortion Fund told Variety.

“We can’t speak to why this decision was made, but we hope this conversation highlights the work being done by abortion funds every day in states across the country,” a spokesperson for the Missouri Abortion Fund said.