Victor Davis Hanson, a military historian, recently told American Family Radio that socialist activists' quiet transformation of the Democratic Party dates back to the Great Depression.
"These are revolutionaries, and they don't have popular support," Hanson noted. "Nobody favors the open border. Nobody favors energy dependence on the Middle East. Nobody favors what's going on with crime in the big cities. No one favors the economic policies, the huge debt that's being racked up. Nobody likes the identity politics, fanaticism, the transgendered men and women – the whole thing."
Regarding the latter, 22 states of late have passed laws against biological males competing on girls' sports teams. 17 states have passed bans on gender-manipulation procedures, while another – Georgia – has a partial ban in place. Meanwhile, with fewer Americans believing a person's true sex can be different than their biological sex, bans are being discussed in 12 other states.
Hanson went on to mention, however, that the revolutionaries are not bothered by the lack of popular support; they push ahead with a passion their opponents do not seem to fully comprehend.

"One of the things they try to do, which I don't think the Right understands, is they try to change the process," he observes. "Republicans play by the Marquess of Queensberry Rules; they kind of shrug and say, 'Nobody wants these crazy ideas, so we'll beat them at the polls.' But they don't do what the Left does; the Left goes in and changes the way we vote," Hanson said, noting the increase in early voting in recent years.
In the 2020 election, seven states reported having more than 50% of their ballots cast absentee. More than 40 million Americans voted early in the 2022 mid-terms.
Many of the election fraud cases documented by The Heritage Foundation deal with absentee ballots.
Two assets for the revolutionaries
The key assets of the revolutionaries – whom Hanson defines as bicoastal elites – are money and language.
"This is the media, academia, the corporate world," he explained. "It's the legal system, insurance. All of these are not people who make money by trucking or manufacturing or oil or farming – the old sources of wealth."
He does not think most people understand that $9 trillion in market capitalization exists between San Francisco and Sunnyvale, California alone.
"You look at the Fortune 400 – all of those fortunes are not what they were 30 years ago, where maybe $800 million got you to number 400. They are of a magnitude we've never seen in the history of civilization," Hanson said.
And that type of wealth, he continued, allows someone like Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg to spend $419 million in certain voting districts to "absorb the work of registrars … which he did."
In similar fashion, George Soros, who made his billions in the finance industry, has invested millions in support of progressive prosecutors.
According to a Daily Mail review of Soros' efforts in the legal system, one out of every five Americans lives in an area covered by Soros-backed "criminal justice reformers."
"The Soros money … revolutionized jurisprudence as we know it," Hanson told AFR. "They just destroyed it in the major cities, and I don't think we understand that. [In] every race from now on, we have to raise as much money as we can from the middle class, upper-middle class, because they have the money."
The coastal collection of wealth and power
In academics, the Leftist influence has allowed for a takeover of the language, Hanson continued.
"You look at the map; geographically, it's 10-20% blue maybe, but that's half the population. That's where the universities are," he explained. "The gestation period from the faculty lounge to popular culture is about five years. It's very rapid. When you can't find racism, they put adjectives in front of 'em; they call it systemic racism. Or if you can't find aggressions, it's because they're microaggressions."
The universities coincide with centers of commerce from San Diego to Seattle and from Boston down to Florida, Hanson reported, saying, "That's where the power is in the United States, and they control that."
So a return of conservative principles and values will require an engaged electorate, he said, and continued organized efforts against corporations that brazenly push the LGBTQ+ agenda have to be part of the plan.
Hanson noted that Bud Light, Target, and others have lost billions of dollars when conservative Americans have responded to marketing campaigns featuring, for example, a biological male dressed as a female on a beer can, or female swimwear designed to hide male body parts.
No matter how "unrecognizable" the country has become, Hanson insisted that what Americans cannot do is give up.
"A lot of people have dropped out. They're homeschooling their kids, [and there are] millions saying, 'I'm not going to fight California; I'm just leaving,' – that's not working," the commentator argued.
Instead, he encouraged conservatives to look at the processes, and instill a concentrated effort to bring back the singularity, the dominance of Election Day voting with ID.
"That seems to me one of the key things," Hanson noted.
"When you wake up the sleeping dragon, and you poke him, then they're shocked. Disney, Target, Anheuser-Busch, the Dodgers – there has to be an activist counterpart to raise as much money as they're doing," Hanson concluded.