Inspiration for positive change found in prayer & participation

Inspiration for positive change found in prayer & participation

Inspiration for positive change found in prayer & participation

There must be something about Texas that ignites a fire under those who love America and want to be agents of change for the better.

Christians Engaged is a Texas-based organization that seeks to awaken, motivate, educate, and empower followers of Christ to do three things: pray for America, vote in every election, and engage themselves in some form of civic education and involvement. In other words: to get the Church and its members to step forward for the well-being of the nation.

Since its inception, Christians Engaged has touted such Christian involvement – and that includes running for political office. Founder Bunni Pounds tells AFN her organization has launched an eight-week course to help Christians engage the issues of the day.

"The Church is waking up," she begins, "but we have to get our hands around something to do. [So] we have to pray and ask God [to reveal] our place of influence – and if we would just take one task, we could actually move into places of influence in that sphere.

"We just have to be obedient to the call of God in our life and put our hands to one thing."

Quoting Proverbs 29:2, Pounds contends Americans are feeling the effects of "wicked rulers" – and therefore, Christians need to get moving.

"The Bible says when the righteous rule, the people rejoice; and when the wicked rule, the people groan," she notes. "There is a direct relationship between people who are in authority over us and how it actually effects our families, our liberty, [and] our religious liberty."

Pounds is convinced the groaning would ease and perhaps disappear by believers in America prayerfully committing to take a role in correcting the path of their country.

Freedom Conference

Among those who are already convinced they have a role to play in righting the wrongs in America are the young conservatives who are making a trip to Dallas this weekend, where Young America's Foundation is hosting the 2023 Freedom Conference. YAF, which was established in 1960, has hosted several regional conferences in the Lone Star State.

Conference director Madison Habersetzer expects more than 400 high school and college students from across the U.S. to attend what she describes as "a celebration of freedom" this weekend.

"They will hear from premier conservative movement speakers, learn more about free enterprise, individual freedom, strong national defense, and traditional American values," she tells AFN.

Scheduled speakers for the event include Texas Congressman Byron Donalds, Texas Senator Ted Cruz, Texas Governor Greg Abbott, and former Daily Wire personality-turned-columnist Ian Haworth. The conference is sold out, but can be watched via the livestream on the YouTube page for Young America's Foundation.