Author and former Oklahoma Wesleyan University President Dr. Everett Piper recently told AFR's "The Awakening" program that it was inconceivable a few years ago that cross-dressers performing pornographic acts would be paraded in front of children while parents sat by and cheered, that eight-year-olds would be given drugs causing irreversible damage to their hormonal systems, or that their healthy body parts would be surgically removed – often without the parents even knowing.
But that, he said, is just the beginning of the depravity being forcing on kids.
"If that eight-year-old is adult enough to do that, then that eight-year-old is adult enough to consent to sexual relationships," Piper relayed. "If that child of eight or ten years of age is consenting to a sexual relationship with an adult, that's okay."
He says the effort to groom children is coming from all sides.

"The Black Lives Matter official website back at the peak of the movement called for the – quote, unquote – 'queering of the nuclear family,'" he noted. "You cannot have a Marxist revolution unless you destroy the family."
"The family is the basis for human freedom," Piper added.
But he lamented that the present culture fits the "ungodliness and unrighteousness" Paul describes in Romans 1 – attributes that invite God's wrath.
"We are worshiping the God we see in the mirror, not the one we read about in the Bible, and therefore we're given over to a reprobate mind," said Piper. "We can't think our way out of a paper bag any longer."
Still, he pointed out that believers do not have to stand by and let it happen.
"Stand up and sue these local communities and these organizers of drag queen performances in public," he suggested. "Sue them for child endangerment. We need to step forward and go on the offensive and stop playing defense all the time."