Issue 4 is a proposed constitutional amendment to the Arkansas Constitution.
Jerry Cox, who leads Family Council, tells AFN Issue 4 would legalize recreational marijuana. It would also create a monopoly for a handful of industry insiders, he says, who worked to get it on the ballot without going through the legislature.
“And now they're spending over $10 million to try to trick people into voting for this,” Cox says, “because they're promising jobs, and even treatment for cancer, and funding for the police, all kinds of things. And it's all just a bunch of smoke and mirrors.”

AFN reported in a recent story supporters of Issue 4 include Democratic gubernatorial candidate Chris Jones. Opponents include GOP gubernatorial candidate Sarah Huckabee Sanders and the current state governor, Republican Asa Hutchinson.
Also on the ballot next week is Issue 3, a constitutional amendment to strengthen religious freedom. That voter initiative comes after church congregations were forced to shutter their churches over fear of COVID-19.
"We don't want the government ever to be able to tell preachers what to preach on,” Cox tells AFN, “and we don't like the idea of the government ever shutting down churches…”