The ballot initiative is known as "Issue 4 – The Marijuana Legalization Initiative." If passed, the measure would (1) legalize marijuana use (and possession up to one ounce) for people at least 21 years old, and (2) authorize the commercial sale of marijuana with sales to be taxed at 10%. A small portion (15%) of the tax revenue would be used to fund an annual stipend for all full-time law enforcement officers. (More details here)
Jerry Cox of the Arkansas-based Family Council told American Family Radio on Tuesday Issue 4 is bad in more ways than one.

"It is so bad that the most ardent marijuana supporters in the state of Arkansas are campaigning against it," he emphasized. "So, the folks who wrote the medical marijuana amendment, the people who have championed recreational marijuana for years here in Arkansas, have united along with us and we are all fighting this awful, terrible amendment."
Cox said the marijuana industry – with financial support from inside and outside the state – is seeking to write itself into the Arkansas Constitution and effectively give itself a "monopoly" that the legislature will not be able to change.
"[If this passes,] the legislature cannot tax, the legislature can't regulate, the legislature can't zone it, nor can any local subdivision like cities and counties control it," Cox explains.
"… And [by] writing themselves into our state Constitution … the only way to get them out will be to pass another amendment," he continues. "But we are afraid that by then, they will be so deeply engrained in Arkansas financially that they will crush any attempt to get them out."
Supporters of Issue 4 include Democratic gubernatorial candidate Chris Jones and Lance Huey, a former Arkansas State Police trooper who is now in the cannabis business. Opponents include GOP gubernatorial candidate Sarah Huckabee Sanders and the current governor, Republican Asa Hutchinson.
As explained by Ballotpedia, a "yes" vote supports legalizing recreational marijuana; a "no" vote opposes legalizing marijuana.