A former House majority leader has died from suicide with a pill provided by a doctor. Mary Beerworth of Vermont Right to Life says Willem Jewett (D-VT), who had cancer, was instrumental in passing the 2013 law.

"That Senate bill was to drop most of the safeguards that just in 2013 proponents of assisted suicide insisted were warranted and necessary -- so kind of a publicity stunt," Beerworth submits. "It was timed just as they were just taking up the legislation."
It is clear to her that supporters of the bill are making big news out of Jewett's suicide, but they ignore "the fellow who has a blue collar job and has cancer and is in our beautiful rehab homes and our hospice centers; there's no publicity when they pass away."
"It's very sad to me when I hear these things," Beerworth tells American Family News.
S. 74 has been approved by the committee and is headed for a vote in the Senate.