Claiming that Disney's "antiracism" curriculum is in itself racist and saturated in critical race theory (CRT), the National Center for Public Policy Research's Free Enterprise Project (FEP) is urging Walt Disney Company shareholders to vote for a proposal that seeks to shine light on the company's employee training materials.

FEP Director Scott Shepard says they are asking that as Disney does reports "patting [themselves] on the back for all the racism that [they] call antiracism," maybe they should do a little report looking into whether their anti-white and anti-men positions are discriminatory as well.
This is not the first time the FEP has confronted Disney about its business practices.
"Disney is the same company that called us racist last year because we asked in last year's proposal that they look into their charitable giving and think about giving to organizations like BLM that are Marxist and racist," Shepard recalls. "We're going to call them out about all that. We're going to support our proposal that they, of course, oppose, and we're going to rally Disney shareholders to make the House of Mouse something other than the House of Hate, which is what it's become."
According to one employee last year, Disney is "completely ideologically one-sided" and actively discourages Christian and or conservative workers from speaking their mind.
"I attended several [training sessions] at the beginning just to see what the temperature of the discussion would be and to gauge if I would be able to bring up my own objections in a safe way—safe meaning for my career. And I've continually gotten the unspoken answer: 'no,'" the employee shared about the "Reimagine Tomorrow” plan.
The FEP-backed proposal will be considered at Disney's annual shareholder meeting, which will be held virtually on March 9, 2022.