Supreme Court will take up state bans on 'gender-affirming care' for minors

Supreme Court will take up state bans on 'gender-affirming care' for minors

Supreme Court will take up state bans on 'gender-affirming care' for minors

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday jumped into the fight over transgender rights, agreeing to hear an appeal from the Biden administration seeking to block state bans on what advocates call "gender-affirming care."

The justices' action comes as Republican-led states have enacted a variety of restrictions on gender-mutilation surgeries for minors, opposite-sex school sports participation and bathroom usage, and drag shows. The administration and Democratic-led states have extended protections for transgender people, including a new federal regulation that seeks to protect transgender students.

The case before the high court involves a law in Tennessee that restricts puberty blockers and hormone therapy for gender-confused minors. The federal appeals court in Cincinnati allowed laws in Tennessee and Kentucky to take effect after they had been blocked by lower courts. (The high court did not act on a separate appeal from Kentucky.)

"Without this Court's prompt intervention, transgender youth and their families will remain in limbo, uncertain of whether and where they can access needed medical care," lawyers for the transgender teens in Tennessee told the justices.

Arguments will take place in the fall.

Last month, South Carolina became the 25th state to adopt a law restricting or banning gender-mutilation medical care for minors. Most of the state restrictions face lawsuits. The justices had previously allowed Idaho to generally enforce its restrictions, after they had been blocked by lower courts.

At least 24 states have laws barring biological men and boys from competing in certain women's or girls' sports competitions. At least 11 states have adopted laws barring biological boys and men from girls' and women's bathrooms at public schools, and in some cases other government facilities.