It's a one-minute video that shows a girl and her dad waking up at 6 every morning to train.
It culminates in showing up for the track meet. The father calls out to his daughter, and they acknowledge one another.
The next scene shows the two after a meet that did not go well. They’re walking, father and daughter, and discussing the young woman’s disappointment in having to compete against a male.
"You ok?'
"Dad, it's not fair. I had to run against a boy. That's not right!"
"I know."
AFN talked with Tiffany Justice, co-founder of Moms for Liberty about the ad.
Harris-Walz back boys in girls sports
She said her team wants fathers to know that showing up for your daughter matters, in school, at practice … and at the polls.

"Because what we've seen is that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz don't have a problem with boys competing on girls’ teams. They don't have a problem with the fact that our girls are being forced to settle for second place.”
Justice said the other side's position on this is not meant to be logical. By pushing for men to play on women's sports, she said it is a "war on western civilization.”
"An example that was given to me the other day was by a former national champion volleyball player, and they were talking about how hard a girl hits the volleyball versus a man, a boy, and it was a difference of like 31 mph versus 45 mph,” Justice said.
That’s a big difference when cars collide. How much more damaging can 14 miles an hour be to young women and girls?
The former volleyball player “gave the statistics for people who survive car crashes, a side impact car crash. Your ability to survive a side-impact car crash at 31 mph is significantly more than at 45 mile per hour impact. She said, ‘this is an issue of safety,’” Justice said.
Justice believes her group’s video will help highlight the differences.
"We wanted to create this ad to really put dads in that moment to think about all those mornings that they get up and they train with their daughters, and they take off work, and they go to watch them compete, and then to think about what it would feel like to watch her dreams be stolen by a boy pretending to be a girl, by a public education system that apparently has lost its mind."
Dad's get out and vote
What can you do?
The first thing, Justice says, is show up.
"We wanted to make sure that dads know that they have to show up at home, they've got to show up at school, but we need them right now to show up on Tuesday and vote like their daughters dreams depend on it because they do."