Fist-shaking French ripped for demonic opening ceremony

Fist-shaking French ripped for demonic opening ceremony

A scene during the opening ceremony for the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris, France, Friday, July 26, 2024. (Loic Venance/Pool Photo via AP)

Fist-shaking French ripped for demonic opening ceremony

AFN spoke to a couple of the evangelical Christians who are among the millions outraged at the blasphemy they witnessed during the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics.

In an opening ceremony infused throughout with occultic overtones, organizers put together a tableau mimicking DaVinci's "Last Supper" painting using an obese woman as Christ and drag queens as the disciples – and that was only one exhibition that caught the attention of Christ-followers around the world.

Olympic organizers defended the event, claiming it was an effort to celebrate "community tolerance." They added: "Clearly there was never an intention to show disrespect to any religious group."

Understandably, many Christians in America are furious. Among them are Christian apologist and author Alex McFarland, who says organizers are either incredibly stupid or flat out lying. He's going with the latter. "We know that even something as once innocent and pure as athletics has now been brought under the auspices of the demonic world system," he tells AFN.

Robert Knight Knight

Robert Knight is a conservative activist and columnist for The Washington Times. "The Olympic Committee had no business permitting the blasphemous drag queen Last Supper," he says. "That is a revolt against not only God, but the God-given social order of everything we hold dear. It was an attack on what makes civilization possible."

And the "Last Supper" mockup was only one of the spiritually tinted and occultic images of the night. The Olympic flag was delivered by a masked rider on a silver horse, perhaps unintentionally reflective of the pale horse of Revelation that delivers death.

McFarland, Alex (Christian apologist) McFarland

Then there was the bull's head hanging on the wall behind the Olympic flagpole. "You see the cow's head that is so pictorial of the golden calf during the time of the exodus," notes McFarland. "Clearly, you would have to be willfully blind to miss the spiritual implications of the times in which we live."

Knight remarks that some of the other obscene performances depicted events during the French Revolution.

"They brought a goat into the cathedral of Notre Dame. They drove out the priests, executed some of them, and crowned the goat the goddess of reason," he describes. "What more proof do you have that that revolution was a godless revolt against the true God and against Jesus Christ in particular?"

According to McFarland, there's no question where the French organizers got their inspiration. "The opening ceremony had to have been storyboarded in the marketing department of hell because it's as blasphemous as it could be."

Wireless company C-Spire was so offended it pulled all of their ads – from the entire Olympics.