In an investigative story that is both eye opening and disheartening, National Review staff writer Nate Hochman documents 20 MLB teams are donating funds to radical LGBT groups that promote or even perform sex change operations on minors. In just one example of that partnership, he writes the Arizona Diamondbacks are affiliated with youth-oriented homosexual group One-n-Ten, which invites children to hang out at one of its youth centers to help improve their “self-esteem and self-acceptance.”
According to Hochman’s Twitter thread, it appears the MLB teams hosted an obligatory “Pride Night” in June. So the NRO writer traced those well-publicized events to the groups that benefitted. The venerable Chicago Cubs, for example, partnered with Equality Illinois, which lobbied for a 2021 state law mandating “gender identity and expression” in public school sex education classes.
Responding to the NRO story, Dr. Jennifer Morse of the Ruth Institute tells AFN the baseball teams have a history of supporting “pride” events but that affiliation now means directly supporting biology-denying transgenderism, too.
“That means your ticket sales and the advertising money that they get for you watching their games on TV,” she explains, "that means your money is going to support the trans ideology if you're supporting Major League Baseball in any way.”
'In bed' with trans insanity
In 2022 it is nearly impossible for any major corporation and its marketing department to ignore June and its “Pride Month” label, or else it would be labeled “homophobic” for doing so. But that culture war seems almost quaint in light of the newest frontier. Without any public protest, the transgender ideology has pulled the 50-year homosexual and lesbian movement to a new battle over Title IX and women’s sports; a language-flipping demand that a single person be referred to as “they” and “them;” and even school teachers hiding “transitioning” children from their own parents.
Even defining a biological women proved impossible for a woke federal appeals court judge who now sits on the U.S. Supreme Court.

In light of all that, Hochman reported earlier this summer the Detroit Tigers hosted a fund-raiser for two LGBT groups that promote “gender-affirming care.”
Fans of the Tigers unknowingly sent their money go to a group called “Trans Sistas of Color Project.”
Thanks to the NRO story, Morse tells AFN the baseball franchises have been outed for taking concession food and merchandise sales and funding groups that promote and defend life-changing drugs and surgeries for mentally confused children.
“So some of these teams,” she says, “are very deeply in bed with the trans ideology.”
“Baseball is America’s pastime,” Hochman writes in one of his Twitter posts. “So why are so many teams—including some with plurality-Republican fan bases—sending their money to far-left groups?”