Breitbart News reports that radicals are alleging that the OK sign, like "Herbie Husker" was shown making for a half century, is a symbol of "white power." Evidently, the university was unaware of the woke-inspired meaning of the gesture:
"The concern about the hand gesture was brought to our attention by our apparel provider and others, and we decided to move forward with a revised Herbie Husker logo," Nebraska Athletics said in a statement to The Associated Press. "The process of changing the logo began in 2020, and we updated our brand guidelines in July of 2021. The revised logo is now the only Herbie Husker mark available to licensees."
"I think the whole thing is ridiculous. It's more virtue signaling," says Marie Fischer, a member of the Project 21 advisory board. "I mean, I've been making the 'OK' sign ever since I was a little girl. Who hasn't? We've been brought up with 'OK' means okay. That's it – nothing more."
The Breitbart report explains that the owner of one of the largest Huskers merchandise stores didn't even notice the subtle change until a reporter pointed it out to him – and that he had no idea the gesture could have a different meaning.

Fischer believes radicals use such meaningless arguments to distract people from seeing real problems that leftists have created.
"Half the problems we have are caused by their policies – and they don't know how to fix those policies," she tells AFN. "So [they opt to] just find something simple and say Hey, let's change a sign or take down a statue … and let's remove a black woman from a pancake syrup."
In June 2020, a Latino truck driver lost his job for making the "OK" hand gesture while dangling his arm out the window. Another motorist snapped a picture and shared it on social media, accusing him of making a "white power" gesture. In fact, he was merely cracking his knuckles.