Found 22 records when searching for uyghurs
Americans have more to worry about than Tik-Tok if they hope to keep their private information away from the Chinese government.
To further ensure that kids grow up favoring communism, the Chinese government is cracking down on the education system.
The Biden administration, up to its ears in Chinese graft, is kowtowing to China. The media, which much prefer celebrating church scandalizers to exposing communist atrocities, have shut their eyes.
Though little can be confirmed about the situation, a Christian in China has received some good news.
The executive director of a group that exposes anti-Christian violence worldwide is warning if China should overtake Taiwan, the future of Christianity in the region will likely grow increasingly dim.
Having been in Beijing's crosshairs for decades, Taiwan's time as an independent nation could be running out. So says the spokesperson for groups that are closely monitoring the situation in China.
A former ambassador is extremely concerned over religious persecution, particularly in two countries, and he has questions about what is being done to remedy the situation.
The Biden administration is carrying abortion to an extreme across the world by throwing taxpayers' money at countries that support the practice.
Before they pursue the business relationship any further, leaders in a midwestern state are being urged not to ignore the practices of a Chinese company suspected of utilizing forced labor of Uyghurs and other minorities at its China-based subsidiaries.
A conservative activist is praising the president of Ukraine for the impassioned address he made to a joint session of the U.S. Congress. But he's warning that America's decision-makers must be careful not to make any miscalculations in dealing with Vladimir Putin.