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At its recent annual meeting, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) passed a resolution that didn't actually name but spoke out against critical race theory (CRT). While many agree that was a good middle ground, one SBC pastor thinks it was cowardly.
A Christ-focused organization for boys continues to see dramatic growth and support.
Though Texas is planning ahead with pro-life legislation, pro-life leaders warn of a federal proposal that could reverse every state's effort to protect preborn babies.
A native of China and leader of a well-respected human rights group that advocates for persecuted Christians in the Communist-run nation has won a prestigious award from another well-recognized organization.
An arrest has been made in California, where a facility that cares for children and adults with Down syndrome was vandalized with profanity and crude messages just weeks after opening.
The grassroots pushback against CRT is rooted in the best of the American tradition: a rejection of racial essentialism in favor of individualism, an enthusiastic endorsement of agency rather than determinism, a willingness to stand united against tribalism.
The president of a non-partisan research institute dedicated to reestablishing a proper understanding of the dignity of the human person is interested to see what will happen now that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops has voted to commission a statement on the meaning of communion – and if it would be advisable to serve the sacrament to pro-abortion politicians.
A law firm wants the U.S. Supreme Court to take up a case involving the Christian flag.
An event happening right now is helping bring awareness to water poverty in Africa.
An immigration reform organization says the American public doesn't need former President Trump to tell them that the Biden administration has created a massive crisis at the southern border.