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  • Pro-lifers 'excited' about latest ruling

    Pro-lifers 'excited' about latest ruling

    October 18, 2021

    The battle over the Texas Heartbeat Act continues.

  • Another avenue for social engineering

    Another avenue for social engineering

    October 18, 2021

    The multi-trillion-dollar spending bill that President Biden and other politicians are pushing includes language involving child care providers, but a conservative explains why not everyone is in favor of the ideas.

  • Packing the court is still an unpopular idea

    Packing the court is still an unpopular idea

    October 18, 2021

    The Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States is still at work, but any recommendations it has for reform may fall on deaf ears.

  • Poll: Voters know fraud is part of Democrats' agenda

    Poll: Voters know fraud is part of Democrats' agenda

    October 18, 2021

    A former leader in the Republican Party is pleased to see that a majority of American voters recognize that widespread election fraud took place in the 2020 presidential election, and she believes audits would be an appropriate beginning response.

  • Teen's lone stance over mask-wearing ends in handcuffs

    Teen's lone stance over mask-wearing ends in handcuffs

    October 15, 2021

    A teenage girl who was handcuffed and arrested at her high school has paid a price for repeatedly disobeying authorities over mask-wearing but the incident has made her a hero to many who witnessed a lone teen push back in an era of shut-up-and-obey rules imposed on the public during the pandemic.

  • CA pro-lifers sue over clinic bubble law

    CA pro-lifers sue over clinic bubble law

    October 15, 2021

    A pro-life group has filed a federal lawsuit against a new law in California that keeps pro-life activists from protesting near abortion clinics but carved out a labor-related allowance for clinic employees who go on strike.

  • Left-wing 'reimagine police' fantasy about to get real in major cities

    Left-wing 'reimagine police' fantasy about to get real in major cities

    October 15, 2021

    Hundreds of police officers in Seattle and Chicago are threatening to walk off the job rather than be forced to take the COVID jab, and their stance is being cheered by a law enforcement advocate who says city leaders are making a very bad decision with very dangerous consequences.

  • Is the USA mentioned in prophecy?

    Is the USA mentioned in prophecy?

    October 15, 2021

    Some interesting passages in the Bible could hint at America, but they don't specifically mention it. Regardless, the best path forward for the country is to return to moral truth and remain a friend to Israel.

  • Mayorkas on illegals: Don't deport them; hire them

    Mayorkas on illegals: Don't deport them; hire them

    October 15, 2021

    An immigration border enforcement organization says the DHS secretary has essentially abolished Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

  • Episcopal Church decline 'accelerates,' stats show

    Episcopal Church decline 'accelerates,' stats show

    October 15, 2021

    A spokesman for a a faith-based alliance of Christians who monitor, comment, and report on issues affecting the Church says the latest figures show the Episcopal Church continues to decline.