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  • Virginia gave us the American Revolution … and may do so again

    Virginia gave us the American Revolution … and may do so again

    October 19, 2021

    Over the next three weeks, Virginia will be Ground Zero in the resistance movement to take back America from a socialist-dominated Democrat Party.

  • Biden has 'crossed a line' with these pastors

    Biden has 'crossed a line' with these pastors

    October 19, 2021

    "We have no king but King Jesus" – that's the message from more than 100 Ohio pastors to Joe Biden.

  • Absent fathers need to act now

    Absent fathers need to act now

    October 19, 2021

    The need for fathers to be present in their kids' lives continues to grow, and one product of a fatherless home says it's a situation that can be turned around.

  • Scattered activism with a single focus

    Scattered activism with a single focus

    October 19, 2021

    A cultural affairs writer says homosexual and transgender activists continue to extend the celebration of their deviant lifestyle throughout the year as a way of indoctrinating students.

  • Service members still have religious freedom

    Service members still have religious freedom

    October 19, 2021

    An attorney for the largest legal organization in the nation dedicated exclusively to defending religious liberty for all Americans explains why military service members are suing over President Biden's COVID shot mandate.

  • Powell remembered as 'a good man'

    Powell remembered as 'a good man'

    October 19, 2021

    A national defense analyst who served under Colin Powell in Korea remembers the late general and secretary of state as an intelligent and capable leader who didn't go along with the bad behavior of his fellow officers.

  • Bill protecting women's sports could soon become state law

    Bill protecting women's sports could soon become state law

    October 18, 2021

    A bill advancing in the Texas legislature is being labeled an "anti-trans" sports bill – but AFN spoke to one supporter of the measure who uses different terminology.

  • Persecuted pastor: I will not lie about vaccines or endorse COVID tyranny

    Persecuted pastor: I will not lie about vaccines or endorse COVID tyranny

    October 18, 2021

    A judge in Canada has ordered that any time a persecuted Canadian pastor speaks in public, he has to recite a government-written disclaimer if he wants to stay out of jail. That pastor, however, says he's having none of it.

  • Biden's unpopular immigration policies likely to impact down-ballot races

    Biden's unpopular immigration policies likely to impact down-ballot races

    October 18, 2021

    An immigration border enforcement organization says a growing number of Democratic lawmakers should be worrying about re-election next year in light of President Joe Biden's sinking poll numbers.

  • ADF prepares to take on Biden's shot mandate

    ADF prepares to take on Biden's shot mandate

    October 18, 2021

    An attorney for the world’s largest legal organization committed to protecting free speech says there will be "quite a few legal problems" if the Biden administration continues with a rule that private sector workers get COVID shots or show consistent negative test result as a condition of employment.