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A pro-lifer finds it "mind-blowing" that a feminist organization would go against a legislative effort designed to protect women.
A conservative political pundit in Canada is pleased that the leader of the country's Conservative Party has been ousted. He sees it as an indication his fellow Canadians are growing more anti-Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who has refused to lift the heavy yoke of COVID mandates from the Canadian people.
Another grassroots effort is underway in California to crack down on out-of-control crime and the criminals who never see a jail cell: Ask Californians to fix what is broken by fixing what they keep voting for.
A religious liberty law firm representing a non-jabbed U.S. Navy SEAL is praising three U.S. military doctors who are warning that medical data shows a triple-digit jump in serious medical problems among our military servicemembers, and the COVID-19 vaccine is the suspected culprit.
A Tennessee-based pro-life organization is building from the bottom to the top to get rid of abortion.
Illegal immigrants are crossing into the U.S. from Mexico at unprecedented levels. A proponent of legal immigration says it's all part of a Democratic plan to "conquer" America.
For the communist empire, the long game is paying off. The Chinese have quietly built a foothold with local school boards, high school administrators, and county officials that's giving them a powerful voice they should never have.
Male athletes who say they are “transgender” are still dominating and defeating female competitors, and now they are doing so with the tepid blessing of the cowering NCAA, but female athletes and now a U.S. senator are fighting to demand science-based rules and common-sense regulations.
According to a meta-analysis conducted by three researchers, lockdown policies during the pandemic brought economic and social hardships – but very little public health benefits.
A survey shows young-adult evangelicals have a different mindset when it comes to donating to Christian ministries, which means those ministries have a new challenge coming their way in future years.