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Win the White House. Check. For Republicans, it was the all-important step. You can’t take the second step before you take the first.
On Election Day 2024, several states considered constitutional amendments and voter initiatives dealing with school choice, minimum wage, and the legalization of marijuana. (Final update: Nov. 26, 4:00 p.m. Central)
On Tuesday, ten states – one-fifth of the country – had ballot measures to add state constitutional protections for abortion "rights." In a majority of the cases, the pro-abortion measure passed.
After anti-Israel protesters at Stanford University were punished for a demonstration, a Zionist supporter of Israel says breaking the law should come with consequences beginning with learning what is true.
The map below illustrates the final electoral college vote in the 2024 presidential race, making Donald Trump the 47th president of the United States.
RealClearPolling identified these seven Senate races as "toss ups" -- that is, too close to call in the lead-up to Election Day. In all cases but one (Texas), the incumbent was a member of the Democratic Party. The Arizona seat was an open race; consequently no incumbent was running.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency has fired a worker after she allegedly elevated her hate for Donald Trump above the desperation of hurricane victims in Florida. But that may not be enough to curb the backlash against the top federal relief agency.
The Board of Health in one of Idaho's districts has become the first in the country to pull COVID shots from its clinics.
Donald Trump is suing CBS News for $10 billion – with a 'b' – for election interference because of the network's stealth edit of a Kamala Harris interview.
If you hoped Tuesday morning to find validation for your candidate – either candidate – in Dixville Notch, you were left with an empty feeling inside.