
Search Results for ""joe kennedy""

Found 63 records when searching for "joe kennedy"

  • SCOTUS asked, again, to hear appeal of praying coach

    SCOTUS asked, again, to hear appeal of praying coach

    September 15, 2021

    A high school football coach whose post-game prayers ignited a national debate is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to hear his First Amendment appeal after losing case after case in the federal courts.

  • The demise of the love guv

    The demise of the love guv

    August 12, 2021

    We're being told that Andrew Cuomo's ousting is the result of Democrats' high moral standards. But actually it was good politics – because it allows Democrats to pretend that they care deeply about the #MeToo movement while simultaneously ridding themselves of a rather nettlesome problem.

  • Fired coach looks to Supreme Court where school prayer has losing streak

    Fired coach looks to Supreme Court where school prayer has losing streak

    July 20, 2021

    A law firm is looking at the U.S. Supreme Court to affirm a fired football coach’s First Amendment right to bow his head in prayer, even if he is kneeling on a taxpayer-paid football field. A history of court rulings, however, have moved the other direction.