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  • Gun bans aren't the answer

    Gun bans aren't the answer

    June 03, 2022

    Does the recent shooting in Texas mean that we should ban firearms? No. The problem is not accessibility to weapons; the problem is our sin nature … and the answer is to tell kids about God and teach them the absolute truth that life is sacred.

  • Calif. creating injustice

    Calif. creating injustice

    June 03, 2022

    Conservative activists are outraged by the ongoing push for California taxpayers to pay reparations to supposed victims of slavery.

  • Pro-lifers winning in Arkansas

    Pro-lifers winning in Arkansas

    June 03, 2022

    Looking at the latest abortion stats, the president of an organization whose mission is to promote, protect, and strengthen the values found and reflected in the Bible by impacting public opinion and public policy is proud of his state.

  • Long recovery stage looms for grieving TX town

    Long recovery stage looms for grieving TX town

    June 02, 2022

    The town of Uvalde, Texas is entering into a second phase of collective grief as it begins to lay to rest the 19 children and two teachers gunned down in last week's tragic shooting.

  • Ascol: SBC abuser list wrong solution to address problem

    Ascol: SBC abuser list wrong solution to address problem

    June 02, 2022

    A church pastor in the running to be the next president of the Southern Baptist Convention is taking issue with how the denomination is dealing with sexual abuse allegations in the pulpit.

  • It's TikTok with the block! (3 dozen and counting)

    It's TikTok with the block! (3 dozen and counting)

    June 02, 2022

    It's not uncommon for a center-right operation to be censored on social media, but one organization has been censored 36 times … this year … on TikTok alone.

  • Student's murder confirms it: Nigeria a dangerous place for Christians

    Student's murder confirms it: Nigeria a dangerous place for Christians

    June 02, 2022

    Islam in Nigeria suppresses free speech – even to the point of a gruesome death over blaspheming Muhammad.

  • Talk of electronic voting 'vulnerability' suddenly back in vogue

    Talk of electronic voting 'vulnerability' suddenly back in vogue

    June 02, 2022

    An election integrity expert says there are two reasons – both politically motivated – that a federal agency is now advancing the idea that security vulnerabilities exist in electronic voting systems.

  • ADF: Student was punished for her views after classmates complained

    ADF: Student was punished for her views after classmates complained

    June 02, 2022

    A public university is being sued after punishing a student for discussing and debating controversial topics with her fellow classmates. The student argues she was singled out for her views and her First Amendment rights were violated.

  • Virtual fields ripe for a real harvest

    Virtual fields ripe for a real harvest

    June 02, 2022

    The metaverse is coming – and it's going to need evangelizing, says an advocate of digital discipleship and digital expressions of church.