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Lawmakers in Pennsylvania are attempting to rein in state-related medical schools that may be conducting experiments using body parts of aborted babies.
President Joe Biden’s cratering poll numbers suggest the American public knows full well the economy is suffering under his watch, and now a well-known economist says the country is experiencing a recession after a half-year of negative growth.
While his war against Ukraine rages on, Russian President Vladimir Putin may be nearing the end of his reign of totalitarianism and terror. So says a former top official at the Central Intelligence Agency who doesn't hesitate to characterize the Russian leader as "a monster."
An adoption advocate says women with unplanned pregnancies can find help and options within the pro-life movement.
Babies diagnosed with Down syndrome while still in the womb are often aborted – but an expert in molecular genetics says they don't have to be.
A liberal governor’s veto of a sports bill will not end heated debate over whether literal females or pretend females are more deserving of legal protection in Pennsylvania, where the issue of a dominating male collegiate swimmer has drawn national attention at the same time Democrats insist everything is hunky-dory.
Look for a migration of black and Hispanic voters to the right because they're beginning to see what the cultural chaos of the left has done to their families and communities.
A former state representative in Colorado is taking a pragmatic approach following the results of his state's GOP senatorial primary.
A pro-Israel organization is concerned about an alarming report that revealed a significant jump in acts of antisemitism last year.
A pro-life leader strongly objects to the latest campaign by liberals to promote the abortion agenda.