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A conservative political scientist is urging Republicans to wake up and get to work if they hope to turn around poll numbers in key races that show Democrats maintaining control of the Senate in 2022.
Voter polls in Wyoming predict the political future of Rep. Liz Cheney is in serious doubt after she targeted Donald Trump and sided with Democrats, and a critic of Cheney says she deserves what is coming in a few weeks.
The president of a national organization devoted exclusively to exposing and countering the homosexual activist agenda says the federal government has found another way to pervert the thinking of children.
A spokesman for an initiative that desires to make America a better place for all Americans says 12 medical schools are "playing right into the Marxist handbook" with their racist scholarship requirements.
According to the polls, it appears Michigan voters want to keep the governor who locked down their businesses and threw a million of them out of work, then broke her own Dept. of Health rules to party with her friends, during the COVID-19 pandemic.
While Joe Biden stopped short this week of doing it, at least one critic predicts it's inevitable the president will declare an emergency over climate change in the coming weeks.
Poll numbers that show Joe Biden’s presidency is sinking suggest Hispanic voters are abandoning Democrats, too, and a critic of illegal immigration predicts the liberal party will be slow to learn why.
A trusted pollster has revealed the good news and the bad about how women and girls with unplanned pregnancies view adoption, as well as where they turn for advice.
A university town in southern New Mexico is gearing up to greet an infamous abortion clinic owner – but not how she would expect in a pro-abortion state.
After the Chicago Police Department lost three police officers to suicide in the past month, a law enforcement advocate says the topic that remains taboo deserves to be discussed more often for people to get the help they need.