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A pro-family activist in Indiana is convinced conservatives don't want a "nice guy" – someone like Mike Pence – who as president would reach across the aisle in Washington, DC. Instead, he contends people "want things turned upside down."
A Christian apologist expects the former head of the ERLC should fit in just fine as editor-in-chief of Christianity Today.
A former postal worker who wants to honor the Sabbath has a request for the U.S. Supreme Court.
Wargames that imagine a U.S.-China military fight over Taiwan conclude with horrific casualties on both sides and a bloodied U.S. military holding on to the island. They come at the same time a recognized expert on China says the nation’s communist leaders are preparing for war.
A teachers’ union is under fire for a political ad that calls frustrated parents “extremists” and even political opportunists, but a political activist says parents know it is the teachers’ unions that are protecting lazy and tenure-protected teachers.
As expected, President Biden has announced the federal government will magically “forgive” billions of dollars in student loan debt for millions of borrowers even though Democrat leader Nancy Pelosi insisted a U.S. president doesn’t have the authority to do so.
A warning once ignored by the media and most China watchers is now coming to pass: the communist regime's drastically expanding military and nuclear arsenal could be bringing them a step closer to the top echelon of regional military superiority.
A national abortion group is making an audacious demand to reporters, correspondents and newsroom editors: Quit giving equal time to those crazy, dangerous pro-life activists but give the pro-abortion side even more opportunities to dominate the conversation.
A human rights organization that has been focused on China's forced abortion policies is expanding its reach.
Satan's ongoing schemes make clear why and how he is strategically and aggressively targeting our children. Going "woke" and staying silent while they are infected and destroyed by demonic schemes means we are snubbing God's warning.