
Search Results for "electric vehicles"

Found 61 records when searching for electric vehicles

  • Yes, he did it

    Yes, he did it

    June 28, 2022

    As shoppers cringe with sticker shock at the gas pump, as small businesses go under, and as the economy worsens, the Biden team treats America's own oil and gas producers like an enemy.

  • Economist: Biden budget 'about equity,' not the economy

    Economist: Biden budget 'about equity,' not the economy

    April 05, 2022

    The Biden administration continues to talk up the president's budget, but economist Stephen Moore sees red flags, labeling the plan "Trumponomics in reverse."

  • Big Business witnessing backdoor scheme to dig, shame, and harass

    Big Business witnessing backdoor scheme to dig, shame, and harass

    March 22, 2022

    The economy-wrecking “Green New Deal” has not been abandoned by determined Democrats, who witnessed their radical plan die in Congress, and now comes their newest strategy: Private corporations must comply with climate-related mandates in order to participate in stock markets.

  • Soaring gas prices pinned on Putin by same people who hate your SUV

    Soaring gas prices pinned on Putin by same people who hate your SUV

    March 09, 2022

    Caving to pressure to take action, President Joe Biden announced this week the U.S. will ban imports of Russian oil to punish Vladimir Putin and his military invasion of Ukraine, and now the American public is witnessing the fossil fuel-hating White House blame Putin for record-high gas prices.

  • Small businesses suffering 'double whammy'

    Small businesses suffering 'double whammy'

    March 09, 2022

    High gas prices are causing people to cut back on basic essentials, many of which are purchased in small businesses nationwide.

  • War on gas engines fueled by taxpayers' money

    War on gas engines fueled by taxpayers' money

    December 14, 2021

    Americans and their gas-drinking automobiles will drive past thousands of charging stations in coming years thanks to an all-out push to move drivers into electric automobiles to save the planet and punish the majority.

  • Biden points finger of blame, has 3 pointing back at himself

    Biden points finger of blame, has 3 pointing back at himself

    November 23, 2021

    The Biden administration recently asked the FTC to investigate oil companies for the current gas prices, but one group now wants the Commission to investigate Biden for the same thing.

  • And the winners are … the unions!

    And the winners are … the unions!

    November 12, 2021

    President Joe Biden wants to boost union-made electric vehicles – but not everyone likes his approach.

  • Prediction: Fed's push for EV-driving America doomed to fail

    Prediction: Fed's push for EV-driving America doomed to fail

    August 23, 2021

    President Joe Biden and his administration continue to push electric automobiles on the American public, a push that is seen by one analyst as a future possibility that is hurt, not helped, by the Feds demanding it.

  • White House high-fiving more jobs while killing economy

    White House high-fiving more jobs while killing economy

    July 07, 2021

    The latest jobs report from the federal government shows unemployment is 5.9%, which is positive news, but an economic think tank predicts little improvement as long as Joe Biden is in the White House.