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The discovery process in a federal lawsuit has unveiled how Facebook was shamed and bullied by the Biden administration to censor a Fox News segment about the COVID-19 vaccine, even though the segment about the controversial Johnson & Johnson shot was based in truth and supported by facts.
Russia's advancing technology of hypersonic missiles is a clear threat to the West. That's the assessment by a former U.S. intelligence officer following a recent show of strength by Vladimir Putin.
A national pro-life group has released its annual list of the most pro-life states in the nation.
Liberals can misspeak all day and nothing happens. But if someone takes a conservative stand on a moral issue, a media outlet like the Washington Post will do an aggressive takedown if they sniff an error – any error.
A conservative radio host and former attorney for President Donald Trump says there appears to be a double standard when it comes to accountability in handling classified government documents.
Thanks to a new state law, internet pornographers could pay a price for allowing children to access their content.
Another community in the Land of Enchantment has moved to ban abortions within its boundaries.
A law firm is representing correctional officers who refused to get the COVID-19 shot for religious reasons, and were fired from their state jobs, even though other objecting co-workers were not punished and remain employed on the job.
It remains to be seen whether advocates for so-called transgender athletes will continue to challenge West Virginia's Save Women's Sports Act, but for now, ADF is celebrating a recent court decision.
A member of Congress argues that many of her fellow conservatives are going to be shocked when they find out that Kevin McCarthy isn't the "RINO" that they've been told he is.