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The federal government wants to overtake your Republican-voting neighborhood by making it a more Democrat-friendly shade of blue, and there might be a reason that sounds familiar.
Residents and electors in Big Sky Country will have to wait to deal with the subject of doctor-assisted suicide.
The world of digital currency and identification is on the way, and one seminary professor says it's a clear preview of the coming tribulation.
A survivor of Mao Tse-tung's repressive culture is taking the developer of "The 1619 Project" to school on the topic of American exceptionalism.
After the mayor of Los Angeles announced she is policing the city’s police ranks for right-wing extremists, a law enforcement advocate is asking a common-sense question: What is an extremist in the eyes of a Democrat mayor?
A legal challenger of federal overreach is hoping the nation's highest court will agree that the president has "no business" forcing female college students to share private spaces with males.
Two southern governors are approving measures meant to protect young people from making life-altering changes that can't be undone.
A conservative political action committee in Mississippi says the state's Republican lieutenant governor is empowering Democrats and must be primaried so he can't serve in that role any longer.
A military veteran says the "failure of leadership" in his Florida community during the COVID shutdowns motivated him to venture into local politics in hopes of continuing his legacy of doing "the right thing."
Two more Islamic terrorists have been released from Gitmo, which concerns an Islamic watchdog, but it appears the prison facility is moving closer to closing its doors.