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  • The ones that got away

    The ones that got away

    July 13, 2023

    An immigration enforcement organization says the inspector general squarely blames Biden's border policy for a dangerous terrorist's release into the U.S.

  • Evidence might have helped FBI make rare arrest in pro-life case

    Evidence might have helped FBI make rare arrest in pro-life case

    July 13, 2023

    After a vandal spray-painted an Ohio pregnancy clinic with threatening messages, a grateful pro-life activist is praising authorities who made an arrest while pointing out others arrests and prosecutions are rare despite a long list of incidents.

  • Clear question gets a clear answer

    Clear question gets a clear answer

    July 12, 2023

    A pro-lifer says a new poll settles whether Americans agree or disagree with the U.S. Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

  • FRC proud of teen, 'disgusted' by state of play

    FRC proud of teen, 'disgusted' by state of play

    July 12, 2023

    A family advocate that aims to advance a biblical worldview is giving an attagirl to a teenage swimmer.

  • Heart-broken military vets, who fought and lost over jab, tell their families not to join

    Heart-broken military vets, who fought and lost over jab, tell their families not to join

    July 12, 2023

    In a startling and heart-breaking decision, many former military service members are discouraging their children and grandchildren from putting on a uniform for a military they say has changed for the worse.

  • AP comparing apples to oranges

    AP comparing apples to oranges

    July 12, 2023

    An attorney says reporting on Justice Sonia Sotomayor strongarming schools into buying her books when she comes to speak is an attempt for the news agency to appear even-handed.

  • CA bill is pretty clear: A judge 'shall' consider race in sentencing

    CA bill is pretty clear: A judge 'shall' consider race in sentencing

    July 12, 2023

    A controversial bill in California, well on its way to becoming a new state law, would require a criminal court judge to sentence defendants based on their race in order to “rectify” racial bias.

  • Deace on Trump diss: That was dumb

    Deace on Trump diss: That was dumb

    July 12, 2023

    Donald Trump’s unhappy comments about Iowa’s popular Republican governor caught the attention of a political commentator who lives in the state and says the former president is not acting wisely.

  • Courts have already ruled on religious displays

    Courts have already ruled on religious displays

    July 12, 2023

    As a federal court in Arkansas decides whether to allow a Ten Commandments monument to remain on public property, a defender of religious liberty is confident in the Constitution and court precedent.

  • These guys can't be serious

    These guys can't be serious

    July 12, 2023

    While the GOP presidential field is swelling, a conservative activist and columnist doesn't think many of the candidates expect to win the presidency.