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The coming voter referendum in Ohio could leave the state open to gruesome partial-birth abortion, even though federal law prohibits it.
With the rise of artificial intelligence, fake news, internet porn, video game violence and drug abuse, the line between reality and fantasy is getting thinner by the day. It's almost as if someone out there wants to sow as much uncertainty as possible.
A national security expert says the suggestion the current Israel-Hamas war could escalate into World War III is a possibility because several key players are escalating toward a regional conflict. Then there is the issue of NATO ally Turkey, too.
What some people are calling pro-Palestinian protests on many U.S. college campuses and in several cities, others are calling rank anti-Semitism of the worst kind.
Though the White House claims Bidenomics is working, a fiscal researcher says most Americans know that's not true – at least not in the positive way it's portrayed.
A Christian girls' group unapologetically celebrated life during the month of October but its president says the girls do it throughout the year, too.
House Speaker Mike Johnson is being praised for making support of Israel his first order of business on the job.
A Baptist group from the U.S. is in Israel ministering to people impacted by the war.
Recently announced stats on abortion suggest pro-life laws don't save preborn lives – but an expert in the field has dissected that report number by number and challenges that conclusion.
A dad in New Jersey is suing the state and his kids' high school for undermining his parental rights.