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New moms in Wisconsin who find themselves in a desperate situation are on the cusp of gaining another life-affirming option for their newborns.
The head of a Christian youth organization has written a new book encouraging kids to spend less time looking at screens.
A defender of religious freedom says a pastor removed from a police oversight board in California is "very justified" in filing a lawsuit.
After a new report concluded parents are being deceived by their child’s report card, which fails to reflect more objective standards in reading and math, a parents’ rights advocate says the real test is whether parents are taking charge of their child’s education.
The agenda varies, but the goal of the ACLU and other cultural termites is the same: Eat away at the civil pillars – faith and family – that allow us to live in peace with each other. Then keep expanding government to pick up the pieces.
After learning New York City has lost more than 2,500 police officers during 2023, a police advocate predicts the city is only hastening its collapse with budget cuts that will kill recruiting.
The government of Ireland is creating a dangerous environment with its crackdown on free speech, a political activist and journalist says.
Iowa's governor Kim Reynolds supported controversial education reforms in The Hawkeye State that worried Republican lawmakers but earned her accolades from The Heritage Foundation and its education experts.
The public is hearing a lot about artificial intelligence these days – from the benefits to the dangers. AFN looks at how it's used in weather forecasting … and why it's not new to the weather world.
The Biden administration is trying to misuse an old federal law to impose abortion on all states, including those where it's illegal.