
Search Results for "ten commandments"

Found 39 records when searching for ten commandments

  • The ACLU's satanic agenda

    The ACLU's satanic agenda

    November 28, 2023

    The agenda varies, but the goal of the ACLU and other cultural termites is the same: Eat away at the civil pillars – faith and family – that allow us to live in peace with each other. Then keep expanding government to pick up the pieces.

  • Wages of moral confusion is sinking boat of tolerance

    Wages of moral confusion is sinking boat of tolerance

    October 10, 2023

    We shouldn’t be surprised by the lawlessness. Cultural radicals have been hammering away at civil society’s foundations since the 1960s.

  • The greatest story ever distorted

    The greatest story ever distorted

    August 04, 2023

    If the Chinese Communists have their way, the whole story of Jesus and the adulterous woman will be completely turned on its head.

  • Connecting the dots in a Chinese puzzle

    Connecting the dots in a Chinese puzzle

    August 01, 2023

    The Biden administration, up to its ears in Chinese graft, is kowtowing to China. The media, which much prefer celebrating church scandalizers to exposing communist atrocities, have shut their eyes.

  • OK superintendent not backing down in fight to crush ‘woke’ ideology in public schools

    OK superintendent not backing down in fight to crush ‘woke’ ideology in public schools

    July 28, 2023

    The state superintendent of public schools in Oklahoma unapologetically says there is no better history book than the Bible because there is another "state religion" called atheism competing for the minds of children in the classroom.

  • Courts have already ruled on religious displays

    Courts have already ruled on religious displays

    July 12, 2023

    As a federal court in Arkansas decides whether to allow a Ten Commandments monument to remain on public property, a defender of religious liberty is confident in the Constitution and court precedent.

  • Hidden monument, heavy message

    Hidden monument, heavy message

    July 04, 2023

    A striking monument in Massachusetts -- hidden from the masses by years of forested growth and city development -- clearly depicts the formula desired and applied by the Pilgrims, the biblical foundation that brought about the blessings and prosperity of this great nation.

  • National motto act wasn't a waste of time

    National motto act wasn't a waste of time

    June 28, 2023

    A Louisiana state representative credits God for bringing her colleagues from both sides of the political aisle together to remind students why America even exists.

  • Attack on homeschooling is a not-so veiled attack on Christianity

    Attack on homeschooling is a not-so veiled attack on Christianity

    June 06, 2023

    The fifth commandment in the Bible … and the first few verses of Ephesians 6. Wow … that's scary stuff for secularists who advocate children constructing their own beliefs and value systems – with "guidance" from woke educators.

  • Texas chaplains bill awaits Abbott's autograph to become law

    Texas chaplains bill awaits Abbott's autograph to become law

    May 19, 2023

    Sensing that the time is ripe, conservative legislators in the Lone Star State have pushed through legislation that might signal the genesis of a restoration of faith in America.