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The development of artificial intelligence took a great leap in 2023, and one expert says the advances are just getting started.
Three days before Christmas, President Joe Biden signed into law the fiscal 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) – and some service members are quite unhappy about the bill's language concerning the now-rescinded COVID-19 "vaccine" mandate.
Disaster relief organizations rarely enjoy a break, and 2023 was no exception for a ministry with its headquarters in Mississippi.
A lot of people want to know how they compare, how they stack up to other people financially – not to feel good at someone else's expense, but to get a healthy perspective about where you stand when it comes to finances. So regardless of where you stand, let's let this be an encouragement – deal?
A retired police lieutenant says law enforcement in the U.S. continued to unravel this year, and he doesn't think the end of that thread is in sight.
The idea that we would govern ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God was a revolutionary idea in the 1700s. God has entrusted freedom to us in the United States – and we should fight to preserve it.
A verbal tit-for-tat between a liberal U.S. senator and a well-known political pundit, says Stacy Washington, reveals only the tip of the iceberg looming ahead for Democrats in the upcoming presidential election.
Rev. Don Wildmon, founder of American Family Association, has passed away. One of the pioneers of the pro-family movement, "Brother Don" – as his staff called him – left a legacy of tenacious righteousness.
Nomadic herders in the African country chose to carry on with persecuting the Church on the Christian holiday.
New York is considering a bill that would force some Chick-fil-A restaurants to open on Sundays, in violation of their religiously derived policy.