Found 248 records when searching for j.m. phelps
Homosexuality and other perverse behavior is being celebrated in the Pentagon and the barracks with little regard to its impact on morale and mission readiness, says a career U.S. veteran.
The U.S. Supreme Court and Department of Defense continue to ignore the religious freedom of the country's service members – and chaplains aren't being excluded from the assault on their sincerely held beliefs.
A retired Army NCO with seven tours in Afghanistan contends 20 years in that country accomplished nothing for the U.S. – but says it may have bolstered the Russian military with soldiers once trained by American forces.
After more than 30 military chaplains challenged Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s enforcement of the now-rescinded COVID-19 military vaccine mandate, they are now praying the country's highest court will hear their case.
Members of the U.S. military continue to demand accountability for the August 2021 vaccine mandate they argue should have never been implemented by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.
Under the Biden administration, American service members apparently have lost confidence in leadership and are beginning to question the country's ability to win a war against a foreign adversary.
The public is well aware millions of illegal immigrants are streaming into the United States thanks to an open-border policy, but more citizens are learning about the funding and organizations that are getting them to the southern border.
China's interest in America's "strategic front yard" is a threat to global security – and according to one national security expert, civilian and military leaders in the U.S. pretty much just watched and let it happen.
As recruiting and retention dwindles in the U.S. military, migrants could soon be offered opportunities to fill the gap if a piece of bipartisan legislation becomes law. But a national security expert has concerns about some of the language in the bill.
The death of a former interpreter in Afghanistan hits close to home for someone who once served the U.S. Army in the same capacity.