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A pro-life organization takes exception to news reports blaming Georgia's pro-life law with the deaths of two women.
Public school children can get the Word of God during the school day.
A religious liberty attorney is speaking up for an Alabama public school teacher, and for her school district, after an atheist group complained she is violating the U.S. Constitution by writing a daily Bible verse on the classroom whiteboard.
A Canadian pro-family advocate says he doubts that an early election will be called in Canada.
An Ohio-based tea party activist says the message that Springfield, Ohio is "Kamala Harris's America" has gotten out.
Floridians are being urged to approve legalized marijuana on their Election Day ballot but an opponent of the measure says keeping it illegal means fewer people are hurt.
A trend seems to be picking up on universities adopting policies of neutrality.
Anti-Israel protestors have vandalized a statue of Benjamin Franklin at the University of Pennsylvania, among other things.
A Scripps News/Ipsos Poll released this week finds that deportation is not a dirty word.
Now that Kentucky's governor has banned the use of so-called “conversion therapy” for LGBT minors in the state, his executive order is being criticized as left-wing activism that violates the First Amendment and skirts the legislative branch.