Human activity does play a part

Human activity does play a part

Human activity does play a part

A climatologist says while people may be responsible for extreme weather events, that and man-made climate change are not the same.

Alarmists on the Left "never let a crisis go to waste" and love to blame disasters like the winter storm of 2021, the recent gulf coast blizzard, and even the California fires on humans, particularly their overuse of fossil fuels.

Legates, Dr. David (Cornwall Alliance) (1) Legates

"What they've turned it into is 'use it to keep hitting home the argument that yes, climate change is happening. It's real. Here it is, and this is going to be the disaster unless you do all these Draconian things that we want to push through,'" says Dr. David Legates of the Cornwall Alliance.

So, heat waves, cold spells, floods, and droughts are all wrapped up into so-called climate change.

Meanwhile, Dr. Legates points out that California's history simply includes fires. The Pacific Palisades burned in the 1930s and in the 1960s. When he was a climatologist in Delaware, people would point out that they were seeing more droughts and floods there.

"It has nothing to do with climate change by humans; it has everything to do with land use change," he would tell them.

"You put down more asphalt [and] impervious surfaces, when it rains heavily, that water does not seep into the soil like it used to," he explains. "Now, instead what happens is that water runs off over land, gets to the rivers faster."

In short, Dr. Legates says human activity is the issue; climate change is not.