"As of today, it will henceforth be the official policy of the United States government that there are only two genders: male and female," he declared on inauguration day.
Beth Parlato, senior legal advisor at Independent Women's Forum (IWF), appreciates that he issued this executive order on day one.

"We've been fighting for this," she tells AFN. "It's very odd to even say that it's something that we've had to fight for, because having two sexes, male and female, is biological. It's scientific that sex is binary, but unfortunately, the way that our country's been headed over the past four years in the Biden administration, that was no longer."
The former president spent his time in office trying to redefine "sex."
"Where sex is no longer binary and truthful, it's not based in truth," Parlato summarizes. "They tried to define it to include what's called gender identity, and they are trying to permeate this gender ideology all throughout every aspect of our life in America."
So in education, women's sports, federal prisons, state prisons, or domestic abuse shelters, she says the fight has been nationwide over the last four years.
"When you redefine sex to include gender identity, what that does is it basically erases women," Palato submits. It opens the door to allow any man or any boy to say that he is a woman, or he is a girl, and that allows that man or boy to enter into female-only spaces.
Her team is thrilled to have a president who will "bring us back to truth and common sense."