Feds accused of using 'climate change' warnings to scare youngsters

Feds accused of using 'climate change' warnings to scare youngsters

Feds accused of using 'climate change' warnings to scare youngsters

The Biden administration is being accused of using two federal agencies' websites – those for NASA and NOAA – to frighten children into believing there is a climate crisis.

While NASA's "Climate Kids" webpage offers fun environment-related educational activities, at the same time it tells youngsters their future may well be doomed because of cataclysmic global warming. Craig Rucker, president of the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, detects a clear political agenda behind the tactic.

"The 1930s was the hottest decade in U.S. history," he points out. "So, it's manipulation of data – and this scares kids …. It's all designed to do that. Then that gets them on board as a kind of politicization of young children to get them to support the … Biden-Harris agenda on climate change."

The Washington Free Beacon reports this year the White House unveiled its American Climate Corps federal work program. According to Rucker, the program is well underway.

Rucker, Craig (Cmte for a Constructive Tomorrow) Rucker

"They want 20,000 young people – and they've actually appropriated money for this – to join up to try and fight climate change," he tells AFN. "They say that they need this corps because kids are afraid of climate change and [that] this will help them put into action something to do about it so they're not just afraid."

According to the Free Beacon, the NOAA Education Portal – which is managed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – "includes a curriculum with catastrophic language about global warming. Courses linked on the portal, for example, encourage students to foster negative emotions about the state of the environment into taking action."

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) reportedly is spearheading a probe into the NASA and NOAA climate webpages.