Businesses are reportedly using artificial intelligence (AI) to scour the internet for thousands of publicly available data points about an individual – purchasing history, income indicators like zip codes, social media posts, and the like – and instantly finding out the highest dollar amount that person would be willing to pay for his or her goods or services.

Chase Cappo of Bible Chat says this so-called individualized or personalized pricing could be the reason one person is paying $50 more for a plane ticket than the guy sitting next to them. He calls it targeted advertising on steroids.
"As technology becomes more accessible, and bigger corporations know more personal, private information, that's all going to be factored into the profit algorithm," Cappo tells AFN.
He says reducing one's online footprint is difficult, as it is very hard to game the system designed to game people, but he suggests that believers can combat it by leaning into their faith and living more contented lives, desiring worldly goods less.
"A genuine relationship with the Holy Spirit becomes absolutely authentic and real," he offers. "I hope as society becomes more technological, and Christians do, too, we're more humble and grounded in personal relationship with our Lord and Savior."
Meanwhile, as people realize there are reams of information out there about them, Cappo says it is wise to live life above reproach so that no matter what AI digs up, it will reflect well upon the Christian and honor Christ.
"It's a call for integral, fidelity living," he submits.