Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) attorneys testified in a recent congressional hearing that Big Brother is lurking in the shadows. Michael Ross says the president is apparently gathering information that is none of the government's business.

"The Biden administration is conducting financial surveillance on probably millions of Americans and is conducting surveillance on ADF and telling banks that they need to be concerned about people who are associated with ADF because of the conservative and religious advocacy that we promote," the attorney relays.
U.S. Treasury Department's law enforcement arm has reportedly been colluding with Big Banks to monitor customers to identify so-called domestic threats based on a shared a list of "hate groups" published by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, which lumps mainstream religious and conservative organizations like Family Research Council, Liberty Counsel, Pacific Justice Institute, and Ruth Institute in with the American Nazi Party and Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.
Last week, ADF's Jeremy Tedesco testified about it before the U.S. House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.
"It's a very, very troubling thing that we're seeing, where this federal government, and law enforcement in particular, is carrying out censorship indirectly in surveilling millions of Americans based on disfavored political views that the administration doesn't like," Ross comments.
He says some of the larger banks do have a pattern and practice of using vague and subjective policies to censor or deny service to certain customers based on political and religious views.
While ADF accepts this as a badge of honor, the Christian legal advocacy group does not accept the federal government's bullying and has pledged to stand up to this attempt to chill the actions and speech of all Americans.