From pandemic to pollution: Lessons learned from COVID – what's next for Left?

From pandemic to pollution: Lessons learned from COVID – what's next for Left?

Klaus Schwab -- German economist, founder of World Economic Forum

From pandemic to pollution: Lessons learned from COVID – what's next for Left?

The founder of a group focused on biblical earth stewardship argues that globalists at the World Economic Forum are trying to figure out how to leverage what they learned during the COVID pandemic and apply it to the alleged "climate crisis."

Lockdowns and mandates, school and church closures – the pandemic was a litany of missteps and mistakes many people prefer to forget. But for the globalist elites, it was a trial run – if you take Malaysian doctor and university chancellor Jemilah Mahmood at her word:

Mahmood (during a WEF panel discussion): "The pandemic was an opportunity …. We are living in an age now, at a time now where we need to grasp this opportunity and work together and really build on that."

Calvin Beisner, Ph.D., is president and founder of Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation. He says whether one believes the pandemic was planned for and released on the world or just a happy accident – from the perspective of the globalists – it's not a crisis they intend to let go to waste. Next up, he says: climate change.

Beisner, Dr. Cal (Cornwall Alliance) Beisner

"I think what they're planning, frankly, is a move toward increasingly global government, and also a move away from private property rights and from free trade, private businesses, entrepreneurship," he tells AFN.

Beisner explains those types of things don't mesh well with the totalitarian impulse of those he suggests were behind the COVID lockdowns. "What I think is really behind this is the larger and broader environmental movement, which sees humans, basically, as the biggest threat to the planet," he says.

And as with every other social ill, he adds, the solution is spiritual. "We need to recover the biblical understanding of man, made in God's image," he advises. "We're not a cancer, we're the answer. We're not pollution, but people are the solution."