Censored ministries to adversaries: Our hope eclipses your hate

Censored ministries to adversaries: Our hope eclipses your hate

Censored ministries to adversaries: Our hope eclipses your hate

Big Social is censoring groups that help people who are struggling with same-sex attraction, arguing that "sexual orientation" can't be changed – and that it's harmful to try.

Homosexual activists have long disparaged anyone who wanted to be rid of their unwanted sexual attraction, as well as those who offered to help individuals reach that goal. The LGBTQ+ activists' efforts have been pushed along by an organization that's ironically called the Global Project Against Hate and Extremism – which is bragging that it's getting groups that advocate sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE) de-platformed from social media.

AFN contacted Anne Paulk of Restored Hope Network – one of the organizations identified in that radical group's brash press release. Her pages have been hit, she shares.

"The report came out from the Global Project Against Hate and Extremism. Three women* who were all former employees of Southern Poverty Law Center are behind this project," Paulk explains. "They have a website … and they are feeding information to secular media, which then parrots the information out.

Paulk, Anne (Restored Hope Network) Paulk

"As a result of that, Facebook has removed a couple of articles that I posted that were actually accurate and countered the gay talking points about suicidality."

Paulk shares that many of the most successful groups at helping individuals overcome unwanted same-sex attractions have also been censored.

"There's been a huge marketing campaign saying that help out of homosexuality is harmful," she laments. "They've actually come up with talking points and then massaged the data to point out their information."

According to its own press release, GPAHE's efforts have been successful in quashing social media pages for several faith-based groups besides Paulk's – including Living Stone Ministries, Pure Passion TV, Joel 2:25 International, and Desert Stream Ministries.

But while Paulk acknowledges the censorship has put a huge dent in her ministry, she's refusing to back down. "We are not going to be changing our message regardless," she vows. "We have the hope of Jesus Christ even as the current culture embraces LGBT identity."

* Wendy Via (former chief communications and development officer at SPLC), Heidi Beirich (who led SPLC's Intelligence Project), and Kirsten Bokenkamp (former communications director at SPLC)